A lot of internet marketers nowadays depend solely on AdWords and AdSense to generate a huge profit for themselves. How many times have you clicked on a Google link at the FIRST page of your search only to find more links?
This is how these internet marketers make use of Google to generate a huge income for themselves. Is it legal? Yes, it is 100% legal if you abide by Google's rules and TOS.
So how much can you make from AdSense? Check out my links and you will be pleasantly (to put it mildly) surprised! And when you do you will start wondering "why didn't I think of that before?"
How To Start an AdSense Account
Blogs are great because they are easy to update and search engines like them because they are updated so often as compared to normal websites. Blogger is easy to start with but you might want to consider Wordpress or Movable Type when you are an advanced blogger and need more options and fancy stuff. I would personally recommend your own webhosting account like the one from Axnhost which will give you lots of flexibility and features.
(2) Get an AdSense account
Get it at Google AdSense
(3) Insert your AdSense code into your website or blog's content
Google provides many customizable ad formats you can choose to insert it into your content.
The most popular format and most effective too is the 336x280 large rectangular type. Make sure you do not go against Google's Terms Of Service (TOS) when inserting the code. You don't want to get yourself banned by Google!
(4) Try to get as many visitors as possible to visit your site/blog
Once you have created your website or blog you will have to submit to as many search engines as possible (don't miss Google, Yahoo, MSN Search) or pay one of the SEO companies to do it for you if you are totally blur on this. Your site must be listed by the major search engines so that visitors or customers can find you! Visit WebTraffic101 for more tips.
(5) When a visitor click on the AdSense link, you make a few cents to a few bucks!
Log in to your AdSense Account to see the number of clicks and how much you will be paid. google will accumulate your earnings until it reaches a minimum of $100 and will only send your cheque to you by post on a monthly basis.
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